Sunday, May 17, 2009

Live Ball Era is Back

Balls are jumping out of parks again this year. Not cause of steroid use. The real reason is smaller ballparks. Ball parks have been shrinking since the turn of the century. As we look here all these ball parks that have been built the dimensions have greatly been shaved off. If you look at Citizens,Heinz,Great American,Minute Maid,AT&T Ballparks ,and Chase Field and Yankee Stadium all have been greatly reduced in field size added with quirky dimensions. This is creating shorter porches for balls to hit to. This year alone the ball is jumping better than before we found that the ball isn't wound tighter, but that the batters got bigger. Even the pitchers are making contact to the point that a round tripper is inevitable. The little guys are now playing long ball these two points are so unnatural.
Here are every Ball Park every played in the Majors shows year opened and dimensions side line to side line as you can see over the years they get smaller.

Notice how the costs of these Stadiums get larger yet the playing field gets smaller. There needs to be a set minimum dimensions in place to make the stats being accumulated fair and accurate to every one who's played the game. Do you really think that TY Cobb and Pete Rose would be pleased to hear that these new Stadiums are smaller now to when they played? I think not. Yes now the owners can put in 5000 more seats and millions more dollars in their pockets. I guess someone has to pay for these larger than life salaries of the players. We all know their not going to sell anymore peanuts or cracker jacks. Tell me what your thinking about the size of the game now.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Africa Beautiful land

Top of Nakuru Lake! on Twitpic
This is a pic of Eliza in Africa at Lake Nakuru. Isn't it a beautiful land, oh and she looks peaceful too
2.5 million Pink Flamingos, Lake Nakuru on Twitpic
2.5 Million Flamingos all of a sudden flew in for a little drink.

Thank you Eliza Dushku for your journey of Africa.

Look at These guys

My friends at Freedom Hall during the Derby Classic  on Twitpic
My best friend and his soon to be bride. Lovely people. If you happen to see them wish them well on the new house and a long life together. Yo bud I wish you both all the best. Please kick that guy out of the pool he looks to be a little pruney now. Get out Armando!! We have to go to work.

When we went to Kentucky Derby Classic

Matt Jones and Scott Padgett. Enough said. on Twitpic
Matt Jones is the best reporter of UK sports.I was given a chance at getting his picture with none the less with Scott Padgett former UK basketball player and host of the Dave and Scott show on the CW.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Love Dare Day 4 and 5

These two days are more along the lines of a married couple. I chose to do them with GOD as to being more close to him. I contacted GOD with more prayer during the day, and just talking to him. I pray for all to go well in the days ahead and for me to be silent so I can listen to him. My thoughts just get in the way of his will. I also asked of my faults to which I already know of. I need help in correcting them I also asked for his guidance and help in over coming these faults. For this I feel even more closer to GOD and more in tuned with GOD's will for me. These days I know I need him on a every day basis for I am not a man that can do anything without him involved. For I like this in being my life. Each day that goes by I know and see a change in my life for the better this is the goal here. I can bare to look at myself in the mirror just a little better now. Working on day 6 hopefully it is more character building for me.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Love Dare Day 3

Day three is a good day to try and advance on in ones personal life. To really give of yourself to someone else that you truly love. I gave what I can only give right now to GOD it is my self in complete. Hole heartily nothing holding back to deviate to. This is the most hardest for any body especially me. I am not the most open of a person or kindest person to be around, But I am making myself open and completely down on my knees of giving to my Lord and savior Jesus. I know to continue is more of a challenge than just doing it for a mere day. This is the total gift. For all my energy, money, and time is spent for him. The one who gave so much for me. I am not ashamed to say I have not been the best of person to be around or come to. This book and it's journey is making feel better inside and showing on the outside. I do have lot's of flaws and I am trying to extinguish them out of my life. The things I am filling those holes with are good things. The Lords word and his gifts to me. Love,Caring,Thoughtfulness, and most important Kindness to others. Yes all these things can be interpreted as being one or the other. All in all it is a total reflection of God. I wish to be a light bulb of what and who GOD represents. I want all to know that I am no where near that. So please don't see me now and say if this is GOD light bulb then GOD needs a new one cause this one is broke. Well the truth is I am broken and doing my best to be rebuilt with GOD's Hands. Not mine. I just mess everything up when I take control.I am giving it all to GOD, and to let him shine through me to show everyone that he is the reason not me. Everyone has seen me I wish for everyone to see him. For my gift on Day 3 is me in the newest form wholly.

This Game is so COOL!!

When this game hits the stores I am all over it.the graphics are so detailed and game play looks like it so smooth. I am a star Wars fan and this looks to be one of the better games coming out. I suggest to try it and like it or the Republic will come into your life and it gets ugly from there.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

U of L 'only job' for Pitino

University of Louisville men's basketball coach Rick Pitino said yesterday that he is not interested in any NBA job and will be back to coach the Cardinals for his ninth season. "The only job I am interested in is winning a championship at Louisville," he said. (5/10/09)

However, Pitino said that neither he nor any of his representatives had spoken with the Kings about their opening.

"To tell you the truth, when somebody first asked me about it a couple of days ago, I didn't even know they had a job opening," he said.

He added that he was unaware of where the rumors originated. "People say 'Rick's camp' or 'Rick's people,' " he said. "I don't have an agent. I have a friend, Rick Avare; we have a company together. Brent Rice out of Lexington did my Louisville contract. They knew nothing about it."

Pitino has stayed out of the public eye since last month, when he revealed an alleged extortion attempt against him. Karen Sypher, the estranged wife of the basketball team's equipment manager, has been charged with extortion and lying to the FBI. Pitino declined to discuss the case yesterday. For full story go to
Story and Picture of Courier Journal.posted 5/10/09

My take on this story is if Pitino wanted to go I do believe he would be gone and any NBA team just got better with him. This story is slightly jaded cause of the wake of things happening around here of FBI investigation and His son leaving to Florida to be an assistant there. I do think it is best for us here that he stays. I personally like Pitino and his coaching ways. He just on the edge of winning a championship. To all in all Pitino is where he needs to be in Louisville.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Geek Squad City

in this short blog I am going to show you a little place I call work or just plainly the fun place.
This is Geek Squad City. In this video I have a small part I am the guy walking on the left.

Now wasn't that an interesting video of my work place. We seriously have lots of fun and get our jobs done right and fast. So any problems you may have with a computer send it to us we will fix them, Even if it takes a few times.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Love Dare Day 2

Ok it's been a week and yes i have a completion of day two. I am very pleased to say that it is very difficult to achieve any day in this journey. For a person to change their lives to the betterment. I have messed up some much in my life that it takes a while to make even the slightest change. I am very ashamed of my actions to any of my friends or people that I do come in contact. Doing something for God is just a simple turn in your faith towards him is very much more than just a gesture of good faith. I have given my self to him in time,spirit and faith. I read his word everyday and try and follow the passage to best I can. This I did very rarely before. I hope this counts as a Geasture of kindness. For these past two days of giveing my self to this Book I come to relize I have more faults than I ever thought of. Thank you Lord. If anyone wishes to make a geasture to another one way is being closer to God and bring them in also.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Derby 135

All things tend to go right on a special day in Louisville, Kentucky. All the stars and top crust of society come down to enjoy what we indulge in every day. This Derby was one for all to remember a new UK coach and his first Derby and a cutthroat journalist with no facts going to get her interview.

This interview was hilarious.I am a new Kentucky fan and I sure do love this new coach for them. I do see a winning way coming again. The last coach UK had was a idiot of interviews. So this is were this interview is coming from. Oh and please ESPN find a new reporter.

Peace in Me

This weekend has been a very peaceful one. God has shown me a different way to live with out anger or irritability. I have prayed for a peace and a calming to my daily connections with people. He who is Lord has answered and given me a calming peace to my life. Praise to you Lord. Today at Small groups we discussed in Isiah of peace, coincidence or what. God really shows me who is in control here. For all this events I have felt that I have accomplished Day one in my Love Dare. To those who know me know that this is a every day event for me, to remain calm and act sensible. Today is a great day. So now i am moving on to Day 2. We'll see how long this takes.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
(Isiah 26:3)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Dare You

This Love Dare is very hard.I am doing my best to honor God and give total obedience to Him and his will.I do have a love for the Lord.Today has been a very good day no foul language or faulty thoughts.I had a wonderful time with my Mom's nephew,he is very entertaining and helpful.I felt very good inside to him pray over his meal at lunch.Now as a innocent child can be obedient to the Lord,I as an adult should be.Very true that is of a statement.So far is the being patient is working today,especially with a 6yr old.He wants to do some much different things that it becomes annoying,but i am keeping in mind to be patient to him and give him Love.Isn't this what Jesus has done for us.He showed us nothing but love.His love is the ultimate kind of love.So very selfless.I as a human being can not even fathom that kind of love for which i have not been in that position to be in.My goal as of now is to be more patient and kind to God and others.This I dare others to do the same.Results can be amazing and the inner feeling is incomparable to have.So once again I Dare You!Try it for one day in just being patient and kindness.For the Bible says.
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,
bearing with one another in love." (Ephesians 4:2)
“He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but
he who is quick-tempered exalts folly” (Proverbs 14:29).

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day one is so humbling

So far as it is I am not getting passed Day one in my Love Dare. It is very hard for me to lengthen my fuse so i can be more calm and think out before i react out. This is so humbling to me that i can realize that my faults are resulting in missed opportunities and stringent friendships. This Dare is for me to have a better relationship with God. I am failing miserably at it. As i can get right and build a better relationship with he who created me,then and only then can i have a complete and open friendship with others. This week alone i have had at least three foul ups.two of which are detrimental to my best friend. So I ask if anyone has a method of calming before acting be free to express this. I am feeling the need of others for help. My Day Two in this will only come when I can complete Day one. This is were I will be giving my day in and out of where I am at in this journey of hope and glory to one who has given me so much love,I have dared myself to be better of a person to give back that love. I believe that you can only give true love when you really understand what love is and this Dare is to open it up and comprehend it. True believers It does work many of case have shown it.