This Love Dare is very hard.I am doing my best to honor God and give total obedience to Him and his will.I do have a love for the Lord.Today has been a very good day no foul language or faulty thoughts.I had a wonderful time with my Mom's nephew,he is very entertaining and helpful.I felt very good inside to him pray over his meal at lunch.Now as a innocent child can be obedient to the Lord,I as an adult should be.Very true that is of a statement.So far is the being patient is working today,especially with a 6yr old.He wants to do some much different things that it becomes annoying,but i am keeping in mind to be patient to him and give him Love.Isn't this what Jesus has done for us.He showed us nothing but love.His love is the ultimate kind of love.So very selfless.

I as a human being can not even fathom that kind of love for which i have not been in that position to be in.My goal as of now is to be more patient and kind to God and others.This I dare others to do the same.Results can be amazing and the inner feeling is incomparable to have.So once again I Dare You!Try it for one day in just being patient and kindness.For the Bible says.
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,
bearing with one another in love." (Ephesians 4:2)
“He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but
he who is quick-tempered exalts folly” (Proverbs 14:29).
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